Our Process
Eastern Mechanical’s members of the Design/Assist Team will engage fully in the process, reviewing documents, providing value engineering suggestions, systems and equipment comparisons, and appropriate cost analysis so the entire Design/Assist Team has the information needed to make informed decisions regarding mechanical systems as the design process evolves. We will provide constructability reviews, identification of long lead items, and input regarding scheduling. Using the initial base bid as a starting point, EMS will track the cost impact of desired changes in the mechanical scope of work, reporting the net cost impact to the Design/Assist Team after each new phase of design documents. Throughout the process, our team members will remain fully aware of their role to preserve the intent of the original design while providing input that enhances constructability, efficiency, and cost effectiveness of the overall project.

Once the various phases of the design documents are finalized, the EMS construction managers will focus on the steps critical to maintaining the project schedule. Construction progress and expense is electronically tracked by system and compared against the schedule to assure required progress is achieved. Timely corrective action can be taken if/as needed to preserve the schedule. The field superintendent will have full electronic access to the current Building Information Model (BIM), ensuring that the field crew has fully up to date construction documents. Field changes will not be allowed unless acknowledged and incorporated into the model, thereby documenting, controlling, and minimizing any change orders. The BIM will play a key role in successful prefabrication of sub-assemblies, allowing fabrication to occur under controlled shop conditions. Quality is assured while minimizing field labor, and fabrication can occur ahead of scheduled installation to facilitate just in time delivery of critical components. Of course, quality and safety is part of each worker’s job. Our Superintendents and Project Managers are well aware that overall responsibility for quality and safety falls heavily upon them.

Upon successful completion of a project by our construction team, EMS provides a 1 year warranty and service package to the owner. We stand behind our workmanship and look to build a long term relationship with the client. Serving our customers with quality for their ultimate good is our chief concern in every aspect of our relationship.